If the caregivers provide protection for them, even a styrofoam cooler wll 
protect frm rain, snow and with a bit of straw, they can be warm.

---- GRAS <g...@optonline.net> wrote: 
> At least the cat colonies don't have to freeze in the winter in FL like they
> do elsewhere.
> Most TNR groups that I know of in this area don't tests at all.
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Heather
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 1:27 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Fwd: TNR
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Heather <furrygi...@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 1:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TNR
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Definitely not to argue, but to provide some perspective on high volume TNR
> and the ACA (and Neighborhood Cats) stance on routine testing of TNR
> ferals...
> While millions of cats are of course killed in shelters each year
> nationally, the free roaming cat population on the streets may differ vastly
> geographically.  In my city (Tampa), there are hundreds of thousands of
> feral cats.   There are several of us constantly practicing TNR on the
> "population at large" (or colonies where the feeders are not fixing--a huge
> sore spot with us, too), meaning trapping pretty much every week, sometimes
> more than once a week, cats who are not at our own colonies.  Some of my
> friends trap anywhere from 10 - 50 cats per week for TNR (and of course
> kittens and such are rescued as much as space/socialization/fosters permit,
> sick cats treated, etc.)  Routine TNR's--not being rescued for adoption or
> not being addressed/treated for illness are not tested.   If we tested every
> cat, we could only spay/neuter/vaccinate a fraction of the cats.  There
> would be far more (exponentially, we all know how cats can reproduce--here
> it's hot and a mama will have 3 litters a year) cats breeding, spreading
> illness.  There would be more negative AND more positive cats, and therefore
> since unfixed, also more positive (and negative) kittens being born on the
> streets.   In our city, we are serving the greater good by fixing as many as
> possible.   Since we all also do a lot of rescue, pulling friendlies/dumped
> cats, or cats to be treated for illness, from colonies, I can say we run
> into FELV fairly seldomly.  Despite my own very high # of colonies, in
> addition to helping people rescue and fix cats all over, I have run into
> FELV the most of anyone I know and it's really just been in two areas, close
> in proximity, where the feeders are NOT fixing the cats.  Disease
> definititely seems to proliferate where the cats are unsterilized, though of
> course I realize it spreads in other ways besides reproducing. 
> As TNR has steadily increased in our county, the # of cats euthanized at our
> county AS has steadily declined--I can share a graph if anyone is
> interested, the results are absolutely amazing and pretty much in direct
> proportion in terms of euth decrease/TNR increase.   Several years ago
> 16K-18K cats were killed per year at this county shelter; now it is down to
> around 9K.
> Even our own local Humane Society--which has the most awesome s/n/TNR
> clinic, but was very firm on testing for years, finally conceded with the
> ACA/Neighborhood Cats stance that, on routine TNR's not showing signs of
> illness, the resources are best spent in sterilizing more cats than on
> testing.  They do sometimes call us while assessing/operating and say they
> feel a particular cat needs to be tested.  They are elated by the decrease
> in shelter euthanasia as well.
> I have no qualms returning an FIV+ cat to a safe area with a good caretaker,
> I had one FIV+ female who lived to be 14 outside until we brought her in to
> live her last 9 months due to geriatric issues.  Granted, this was on a
> university campus where we often have cats live to be over 10 years old
> (just a little different environment from the true streets such as fast food
> joints, etc.).
> I hope me providing this perspective isn't resented--again, it's not
> intended to argue, just some comments to explain why many embrace the ACA
> perspective on not testing routine TNR's
> Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion and best practices for
> what they are doing.  The overpopulation problem in Florida is insane, that
> is one thing that goes without saying.
> Thanks everyone for caring about cats!
> Heather
> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Beth <create_me_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I agree, FeLV should be put down or homed. I have returned FIV cats
> Unfortunately, Alley Cat Allies thinks they all should be returned & not
> even tested. The place I have gotten ferals fixed believes this & refuses to
> test ferals.
> Crazy.

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