Why would anyone want to this?
1) Apple's X11 is rootless only, so this gives the option to run
2) quartz-wm (the Apple window manager) is fast even if cobbled into a
standard XFree86 installation, and there are other nice features, too.
3) If you build packages from source against xfree86-threaded, they
frequently don't work with Apple X11, and some packages require threaded
X. This way you can have threaded X with the benefits of Apple X11.

I am still a little confused but I feel some light peeking through.

so ... if I don't need to build any fink packages that need to compile against
XFree86 Threaded but I do want to use packages that compile or depend on
X Windows and would like to use Apple's Xll instead of XFree86 then I just delete
my current XFree86 installation and then install Apples including the sdk?

Then any fink apps that depend on X windows (but not threaded)
will for the most part build OK? Run OK?

I assume that with Apple's quartz-wm that you get the benefit of open-gl
graphics even if using the combined XFree86 and X11 approach?

I'm working on the X11 docs right now, but I personally don't think this
alternative is sufficiently robust to be made an officially recommended
option. If a fink package that automated this was released, then that's

As an aside, one thing that I found out is that James G's instructions
were appropriate for Beta0.1, but more files needed to be moved for
Beta0.2 . If you're interested I'll elaborate.

On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 13:44, Samuel M.Smith wrote:
I know there has been some discussion on this list on how to make
Apple's X11 distribution coexist
with Fink XFree86 X11. But it is somewhat confusing. I found in the
archives a message from James Gibbs that decribes a proceedure where
one installs Apple X11, moves it out of /usr/X11r6, then installs
xfree86 then moves back Apples x11.

I must say I don't understand what is going on or how they interact
well enough to have confidence that I can apply the approach in general
or tell if I have done something wrong.

Would someone care to elaborate a little bit on how the two are
supposed to coexist. Will the docs for XFree86 get updated to reflect
this new alternative?



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Alexander K. Hansen
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
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