On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 16:35, Samuel M.Smith wrote:
> >
> > Why would anyone want to this?
> > 1)  Apple's X11 is rootless only, so this gives the option to run
> > fullscreen.
> > 2)  quartz-wm (the Apple window manager) is fast even if cobbled into a
> > standard XFree86 installation, and there are other nice features, too.
> > 3)  If you build packages from source against xfree86-threaded, they
> > frequently don't work with Apple X11, and some packages require 
> > threaded
> > X.  This way you can have threaded X with the benefits of Apple X11.
> >
> I am still a little confused but I feel some light peeking through.
> so ... if I don't need to build any fink packages that need to compile 
> against
> XFree86 Threaded but I do want to use packages that compile or depend on
> X Windows and would like to use Apple's Xll instead of XFree86 then  I 
> just delete
> my current XFree86 installation and then install Apples including the 
> sdk?
That's right. Instructions for switching with are available at


One thing to keep in mind is that Apple's X11 is still in beta, so there
are still bugs to be worked out.  XDarwin is much more mature and

> Then any fink apps that depend on X windows (but not threaded)
>   will for the most part build OK? Run OK?
There may be packages that won't build--geomview is one that has come up

> I assume that with Apple's quartz-wm that you get the benefit of open-gl
> graphics even if using the combined XFree86 and X11 approach?
There is some degradation, but it's still noticeably faster.

Alexander K. Hansen
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
visiting MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Levitated Dipole Experiment
175 Albany Street, NW17-219
Cambridge, MA  02139-4213

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