What happen to the love of Ham Radio!  All of this high tech 
conveniences takes the "Love" away!  Keep the feet wet and the hands 
dirty.  This way when you win or log all of those "stations" you know 
you deserve _the_ pat on the back!

Lee A Crocker wrote:
> No it will still be open to the vagaries of contesting, propagation, station 
> design, stratagey and deployment.  It will just be an incredibly more 
> efficient system, and the guys who think contesting is sitting there all 
> night pusing the button on the keyer will go the way of the dodo.  Certainly 
> coding the AI and user interface will be important but so will the hardware 
> interface and the choice of bands, and most especially the systems design.  
> The outcome of any contest will never be solely the venue of code, but the 
> ingenuity of the systems builder/operator just the same as it is today  There 
> is a reason W3LPL and K3LR are who they are.  Eventually the robots will have 
> to guess where each other will appear, and you could have band hopping 
> techniques as part of the S & P.  If 10 wasn't very open for example you 
> could have only one or a few RX devoted to signal analysis.  The user 
> interface would be more like a gaming console  with a whole chair wired
>  and heads up displays popping up as new ones came along.  What's the 
> commercial application for developing such a system?  I can think of a few.  
> If you can command arrays of robot receivers, you can command arrays of 
> target aquisition just as easily.  Where Ham Radio once was the test bed of 
> communications technology, radio contesting could become the test bed of 
> incredible weapons system design.  If you can command arrays of probes (RX) 
> you can command means of complex process flows that are most amenable to 
> human intervention and can't just be left to AI for decision making.  I'm an 
> anesthesiologist would you like the AI deciding how to keep you alive during 
> the course of your heart bypass or brain aneurysm surgery when the surgeon 
> goes "son of a bitch!!!!" and blood hits the ceiling?  Would you like to rely 
> on the mere goodness of the code?  We actually tried to devise some systems 
> that maintain blood pressure automatically for example when I was in
>  residency.  Dismal failure.  Human in control with a big box of drugs and a 
> whole lot of knowledge?  Virtually no failure.
> 73  W9OY
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