Hi Stuart,
How do you feel is the front-wheel steering (low speed, low rpm)?
If I look from outside the wheel points to one direction but the action of the aircraft is very slow. At a little bit higher speed the a/c is sliding forward dispite the wheel direction.
Just a hint, nothing more.
I also wish you and your family a peaceful and happy christmas time.
Georg EDDW

Buchanan, Stuart schrieb:

--- "Buchanan, Stuart" <> wrote:
Hi All,

I've been working on an update for the civilian Cessna 310R, and my
patches are now available for review/check-in.

Thanks for all the feedback.

I've updated the c310.tar.gz and quadrant.tar.gz file to fix the following

- mixture (and prop!) levers the wrong way around
- bad top wing surfaces - alpha issues on panel. Work-around by creating a background. Not
perfect, but I haven't got to the bottom of the issue.
- Transparent cabin when viewed from above. Fixed by re-ordering .ac file.

As before, the files are available from

Finally, I hope everyone has a good holiday season.


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