In case anyone is wondering, I just wanted to let you all know that I am indeed working on the next world scenery rebuild. I am maintaining a little blurb on my home page with status updates and ETA's for those that are really keen on tracking my progress.

This next world scenery build will include SRTM2 data. In the USA I have filled the srtm voids from the USGS DEM data, outside the usa, I simply interpolate across the voids because there are no other detailed data sources generally available. I have done quite a bit of (subtle) work on the airport generator code and there have been a few other bug fixes along the way as well. Right now I am processing the vmap0 -> shapefile conversion data. Now that our basic land use/land cover data is in shapefile format, the hope is that we will be able to use more common tools to fix and update the data for specific locations. This build will also have all the latest objects from Jon's object database. My goal is to have everything done (for this round) by Jan 1 of the new year. But I reserve the right to push that date back in case I run into any new glitches.



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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