> Why text?
> ATIS already comes over the audio.  Wouldn't audio be the appropriate
> channel for clearances etc?
> The audio -- in particular the text-to-speech -- is definitely in need
> of improvement.  I'm thinking that's where the emphasis should be, rather
> than spending too much effort on textual presentations.

  I never even thought about TTS.  Although with the speed of development, do 
them both because the text would be faster to implement and give way to the 
TTS when it's polished?  

  I'm thinking standalone apps including the ATC radar so you could man a 
control position and also fly.  Unless it is very busy, controlling can be 

  I'm careful not to suggest stuff unless I could help with it but I'm really 
excited about the progress being made in the area of ATC recently.  As a plus 
to the developers, good ATC apps will increase casual pilot usage and give 
you a base to see your work in action like never before.  
The last ATC discussion we had drew the interest of Virtual Airline 
enthusiasts on the user list.   

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