
On Tuesday 11 August 2009 12:08:05 Martin Spott wrote:
> I'm pretty familiar with these topics, but memory usage is not the
> point here (well, it probably is, but from the current perspective I
> didn't care much). And when I was using the term "lightweight" I didn't
> mean startup or load times either.
> I understand the idea behind the 'fgviewer' tool as creating a distinct
> viewer component (yet still in the early stage of development) which,
> while still remaining compilant with the FlightGear environment, is
> trying to adopt as little dependencies from FlightGear as possible and
> therefore does not necessarily has to follow every rule of "how things
> are done in fgfs" in order to achieve its fine goal.
> Actually I'm convinced that carefully cutting some of the old ties
> (some call them "cruft"), for example by keeping the viewer part as
> independent from the FlightGear core as possible, might serve as a good
> platform for future development. It's obvious that FlightGear, as every
> visual simulation, has to depend on the viewer. But the opposite way of
> depending the viewer part heavily on core FlightGear components is
> certainly not going into the outlined direction.



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