> Once you understand how the scattering integrals work it's natural to  
> compute  them also from the outside of the atmosphere.

Okay, now I am *really* confused. Are we trying to solve the same problem?

Light scattering in the atmosphere is not part of what Earthview does at all. 
That is currently solved by the scattering part of the skydome shader Lauri has 
originally written (and which I have modified to include a haze layer and 
lightfields), this shader works inside the atmosphere and reasonably well 
outside of it (apart from a few quirks).

Earthview is about getting a model of the planet itself into the scene, sort of 
replacing the default terrain tile system. It assumes that you have already 
solved the atmosphere scattering problem somehow and that you want to see a 
pale blue marble textured globe beneath you, surrounded by a cloudsphere.

Apart from the fact that both somehow have to do with spaceflight, there 
doesn't seem to be any overlap at all?!

* Thorsten
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