
On Tue, 23 May 2017, Florian Kl?mpfl wrote:

> > For those interested, read the many blobs about how the Linux Kernel
> > development is managed.
> FPC is a compiler and not an OS kernel, so would like to see such blog
> posts from big compilers: e.g. gcc, clang

I see your point Florian, but at least LLVM seems to have a Git gateway
these days, and they documented how to contribute using Git, while they
can keep their upstream SVN.


And the same with GCC:


The important fact to see is Git allows people do their own branches
(local branches, of course) and forks much easier/cheaper in a way, which
also makes easier to contribute their changes back to the main project
they originally forked. This part is at least is independent from the
nature of the software developed, and the poIitics involved, I think.

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