
It's a step in the right direction to try to distinguish objective fact
from subjective opinion, but there are lots of things for which that
isn't easy.   What, for example, is objective evidence where the
subjects themselves are subjective???  

One kind of objective evidence in that common case is found in patterns
of related measures taken over time.   When they display progressive
change with implied derivatives all of the same sign it generally
indicates you're looking at a complex system that has broken the
restraints of homeostasis and is undergoing structural change.   You can
reach that conclusion objectively without knowing what it's happening
to.   You don't have to accept my word.   I think the terms are
definable and it can be verified.  [partly by asking when do points make
meaningful shapes and other interesting stuff]

In part I'm asking if that's also a property of emergent complexity in
alife environments.  I know alifer's originate their models to emulate
natural systems.   I'm asking if you find some of the same properties
that in nature strongly appear to be present for all emergent systems.

> Phil Henshaw wrote:
> > it does point to one of the grand properties of human 
> perception, and 
> > I think emergent complexity generally, that every observer 
> feels 'in 
> > their guts' that their own perception provides the one 
> correct model 
> > of the universe!
> Another view is that the perceptions shared by others may be done to 
> manipulate and confuse, and to forward the agenda of a local group.
> I'm not suggesting the President should be best described as 
> a skeptic.
> For example, in legal matters, ignoring subjective 
> interpretations, in 
> favor of objective evidence, is vigilance. 
> Talk is cheap!
> Marcus
> ============================================================
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