Pamela & Steve:

Winging their way to me via the magic of the Internet
and Amazon Books are three books: two recommended here:

1. James Woods "How Fiction Works"
2. Zelazny's  "Jack of Shadows"

and one recommended by a reviewer of Wood's book (not a happy review)
Percy Lubbock's  "The Craft of Fiction"

(Not to mention I am also still working on Menand's "The Metaphysical Club"
also recommended in this forum)

Now if only you physicists can get that faster-than-light drive working
I can hitch a ride and have sufficient time to read....

Steph T

On 10/9/2010 5:51 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
 Steph T.

For scifi, my Fahrenheit451 book is "Lord of Light" by Roger Zelazny

I'll see your "Lord" and raise you a "Jack" (of Shadows)... Zelazny (our own hometown boy) was awesome... I miss him. And his works.

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