OK.  I mostly agree.  But at some point, there might be an unresolveable 
ambiguity in the kernel, at which point I would be forced to allow pluralism.  
That's why I allow pluaralism from the start... to avoid having to change my 
mind later. 8^)  I think it's easier to go from many to one than it is from one 
to many.

On 06/23/2017 12:25 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I'd make a distinction between embedded DSLs (built on general-purpose 
> programming languages) and DSLs which are not.   I don't want to get stuck 
> thinking about only those things where the language is established and works 
> well.   I want to be able to step away from it and change it when it doesn't 
> work.   If language L' does something useful L doesn't, then I want to use 
> its utility to drag the community along to my way of thinking.  DSLs lead to 
> rule by committee and stagnation.

☣ glen

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