Hi tom.

that is the usual practice with D100's, indeed as I said most of my friends don't use them anyway. however doing it witha d10, a coin toss and another D10 for a d20 was doable, but somewhat ircsome, for all it was necessary being that the faces on the d20 were too small to braille. This is doubly important since in a game like mutants and masterminds, everything works by d20, indeed most of the group I play mutants with each week have about 4 d20's each for various rolls. This is of course quite easy with Gma dice, but it'd be nice to have the physical d20's to roll.

Myself, for a full set of D&d dice I'd say you just need a d4, 2 d6, a d8, two d10's, a d12 and a d20, (with optionally more d20's available depending upon the game).

Beware the grue!


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