Hi Tom,

Technically, you may be able to do some development on Windows, but ultimately, 
you'd still need a Mac and Xcode for the final compilation and submission to 
the App Store.

I also have some doubts on the accessibility of apps developed with Mono, but 
that is merely speculation on my part. Just about all of these third-party 
development tools…really for most platforms…end up making inaccessible software.

Speaking from experience, you're going to end up with more headaches trying to 
make a platform conform to your habits, than to adapt your habits to the 
platforms you're developing for…and that goes for development in either 
direction. .net isn't designed for Mac, any more than Cocoa is designed for 
Windows. It's best to learn and work within the differences of various 
platforms, IMO. You'll spend less time in the long run learning each platform's 
differences, than trying to get, what are essentially hacks, working the way 
you want.

Marco Arment, an iOS developer for whom I have the utmost respect, talked about 
this a few months ago in terms of web site development. (Marco was the main 
developer for Tumblr in its first several years). He spoke about how so many 
people will spend days, weeks, even months, trying to install themes and 
plugins for WordPress or Drupal or some of these other CMS packages out there, 
spend time hacking the code or writing their own plugins, etc etc…just because 
it is their comfort zone. That doesn't count time that will be lost when, 
inevitably, plugins or themes they are using break when the cores of those 
packages are updated. In reality, they could've made their own custom CMS that 
was exactly tailored to their needs and fully under their control in far less 

This particularly hit home to me recently, when I decided to heed his advice 
and built the CMS for the new Draconis site, (whose launch is immanent by the 
way), from scratch. It was a daunting idea to start with, but in the end, 
didn't take all that long to do…and certainly far less than if I'd stuck with 
our old WordPress-based system.

Just my two cents.

On Apr 21, 2013, at 10:53 PM, Thomas Ward <thomasward1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Cara,
> Right. Yeah, I read some of the SDK documentation for iOS and know I
> would have to use some Objective C to access the libraries for the
> library, but could use standard C++ for everything else.
> However, I was wondering if you have looked at Mono for iOS.
> Apparently there is now a Mono version for iOS, and developers can
> write .NET code in C# and run it on iPhones and iPads. However, I
> can't get much info on that because the Mono Framework for iOS is
> commercial and I don't have an iPhone to test it in any case. So all I
> know is its possible for Windows developers to write apps for iOS with
> the write tools, but don't know any details of how to do it.
> Cheers!

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