On May 8, 2007, at 1:24 PM, al davis wrote:

The problem with Spice is that it is not flexible enough.  It
might be flexible enough for you, but lots of people bump
against its problems on a regular basis.  That's why there are
others like Spectre, Touchstone, Hyperlynx, Nano-sim, Rice, and
many others.

Well, then quit throwing rocks at SPICE and do something better. SPICE may be a klunker, but it's better than vapor. Yes, I know it has problems, I've been working around them for years. But you can't beat something with nothing. I google for Verilog-AMS and 99% of what comes up is hype, not substance.

"gnetlist" does one kind of translation.   ..  From gschem out.
I was addressing all the others.  The concept I proposed is to
translate in two steps.  In to a common interchange format,
then out.  That way we need only 2*n translators, instead of
n^2.  I want to make it easy to support many formats, without
adding the baggage of carrying them all.

Now you worry me again. Sounds like EDIF.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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