On May 8, 2007, at 6:53 PM, al davis wrote:

Now you worry me again. Sounds like EDIF.

There is good and bad in any design.  There is good even in the
failures.  Most (all??) successes happen because of the

Most disasters result from repeating failures.

To see places where an intermediate format is used, look at most
compilers, and at the "pbmplus" graphics translation
collection.  I am sure there are others.

It doesn't matter to most users what the intermediate format is.
You never see it.

If that's true, it's good. If it isn't true, it's a disaster.

Only the developers see it.  I recommended
the use of a format that others are using so we can be
compatible with it.  Is this bad?

For the user, it doubles the number of interfaces and black boxes where if something goes wrong, it is difficult to understand.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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