It appears that each time I come back to working on Geeqie, I send one of these emails ;o)

Here are threads #1 and #2:

In #2, I had created a one-liner to compute a line-length histogram our codebase. I've rerun it and included the results below as [1]. If also attached a list of max-line-length by source file. As of my git clone from earlier this week, Geeqie has 106k lines. 227 of those lines are over 160 characters. That's 0.2%

I am willing to change those 227 lines by hand if it means we can commit to a line length limit of 160 characters.

But beyond that, ClangFormat exists now. Because it's part of Clang, and actually lexes/parses the C language, it can make actual semantically-driven decisions about how a piece of source code should look. This means that _if_ we decide on some style, ClangFormat should make it relatively straightforward to update the codebase in one fell swoop. (And FYI, the C++ standard at Google, where I work, is to run all code through ClangFormat, with exceptions specified as per [2])

With that said, I would love for us to get away from a style that encourages us to mix tabs and spaces. See, for instance, [3]. There is no way to match an arbitrary paren on the prior line without using spaces for some indentation. But if our style is to use tabs for most indentation, it either means that you can't match the exact paren offset from the previous line, or you have to mix tabs and spaces.

My personal preference would be to switch to using spaces for all indentation, but I would be okay with using tabs for all indentation as well, so long as we avoid situations where the tabs need to be padded with spaces.


[1] Note that keymap_template.c is a C-wrapped XML file, which is why I exclude it.

$ruby -e 'lc ={|h,k| h[k] = 0}; ARGV.each{|f|{|l| l.gsub!(/\t/, " "*8); lc[l.length/10] += 1}};
csum = 0; lc.sort.each{|(x,y)| csum += y; printf "%3d-%3d: %s %d\n",
10*x, 10*(x+1)-1, y.to_s.ljust(5), csum}' $(\ls *.c *.h *.cc | grep -v keymap_template.c)
  0-  9: 30198 30198
 10- 19: 9074  39272
 20- 29: 14334 53606
 30- 39: 13148 66754
 40- 49: 9292  76046
 50- 59: 7223  83269
 60- 69: 7534  90803
 70- 79: 6587  97390
 80- 89: 3974  101364
 90- 99: 2194  103558
100-109: 1254  104812
110-119: 681   105493
120-129: 355   105848
130-139: 143   105991
140-149: 64    106055
150-159: 39    106094
160-169: 28    106122
170-179: 22    106144
180-189: 32    106176
190-199: 38    106214
200-209: 64    106278
210-219: 36    106314
220-229: 7     106321


["keymap_template.c", 404]
["rcfile.c", 226]
["rcfile.h", 214]
["ui_tree_edit.c", 201]
["filefilter.c", 192]
["utilops.c", 188]
["image_load_tiff.c", 187]
["image_load_jpeg.c", 187]
["image_load_gdk.c", 186]
["preferences.c", 175]
["filefilter.h", 175]
["editors.c", 171]
["layout_util.c", 167]
["metadata.h", 166]
["metadata.c", 165]
["utilops.h", 162]
["image-load.h", 161]
["bar_histogram.c", 161]
["renderer-tiles.c", 160]
["bar_keywords.c", 160]
["jpeg_parser.c", 157]
["bar_comment.c", 156]
["filedata.h", 155]
["filedata.c", 154]
["main.c", 153]
["image-load.c", 149]
["view_file_list.c", 148]
["compat.h", 147]
["secure_save.c", 146]
["ui_fileops.c", 145]
["main.h", 143]
["print.c", 142]
["editors.h", 142]
["dupe.c", 142]
["pixbuf-renderer.h", 141]
["debug.c", 140]
["cellrenderericon.h", 139]
["view_file.c", 138]
["pixbuf-renderer.c", 138]
["image.c", 138]
["bar_exif.c", 137]
["image-overlay.c", 136]
["view_file.h", 135]
["remote.c", 135]
["layout.c", 134]
["view_dir.h", 133]
["typedefs.h", 133]
["histogram.h", 131]
["", 131]
["histogram.c", 130]
["view_file_icon.c", 128]
["compat.c", 128]
["collect-table.c", 128]
["bar.c", 128]
["layout.h", 127]
["ui_tabcomp.h", 126]
["exif.c", 126]
["ui_tabcomp.c", 125]
["collect-io.c", 124]
["bar_histogram.h", 124]
["bar_keywords.h", 123]
["search.c", 122]
["layout_image.c", 122]
["bar_exif.h", 122]
["bar_comment.h", 122]
["ui_menu.h", 121]
["ui_menu.c", 121]
["cellrenderericon.c", 121]
["trash.c", 120]
["bar_gps.c", 120]
["cache.c", 119]
["bar_sort.h", 118]
["bar_gps.h", 118]
["pixbuf_util.c", 117]
["bar_sort.c", 117]
["menu.h", 116]
["layout_image.h", 116]
["thumb_standard.h", 115]
["similar.c", 115]
["menu.c", 115]
["view_dir_tree.c", 114]
["ui_tree_edit.h", 114]
["thumb_standard.c", 114]
["bar.h", 114]
["ui_pathsel.c", 112]
["renderer-clutter.c", 112]
["fullscreen.h", 112]
["fullscreen.c", 112]
["view_dir_list.c", 111]
["ui_misc.c", 111]
["thumb.c", 111]
["img-view.c", 111]
["collect.c", 111]
["slideshow.h", 110]
["slideshow.c", 110]
["format_nikon.h", 110]
["desktop_file.c", 110]
["cache_maint.c", 110]
["view_dir.c", 109]
["view_dir_tree.h", 108]
["thumb.h", 108]
["pan-view.c", 108]
["ui_utildlg.c", 107]
["ui_pathsel.h", 107]
["format_fuji.h", 107]
["format_canon.c", 107]
["exif-common.c", 107]
["collect-dlg.c", 107]
["ui_utildlg.h", 106]
["remote.h", 106]
["pan-item.c", 106]
["image.h", 106]
["format_olympus.c", 106]
["color-man.c", 106]
["ui_bookmark.c", 105]
["pan-calendar.c", 105]
["pixbuf_util.h", 104]
["format_nikon.c", 104]
["exif.h", 104]
["advanced_exif.c", 104]
["misc.c", 103]
["layout_config.c", 103]
["format_raw.c", 103]
["collect.h", 103]
["format_fuji.c", 101]
["window.c", 99]
["uri_utils.h", 99]
["dnd.h", 99]
["uri_utils.c", 98]
["format_canon.h", 98]
["dnd.c", 98]
["collect-io.h", 98]
["ui_misc.h", 97]
["ui_fileops.h", 97]
["cache.h", 97]
["pan-item.h", 96]
["color-man.h", 96]
["preferences.h", 94]
["pan-types.h", 94]
["similar.h", 93]
["history_list.h", 93]
["debug.h", 93]
["ui_help.c", 92]
["pan-folder.c", 92]
["history_list.c", 92]
["format_raw.h", 92]
["filecache.c", 92]
["logwindow.c", 90]
["secure_save.h", 89]
["pan-grid.c", 89]
["collect-table.h", 89]
["lua.c", 88]
["ui_spinner.c", 87]
["print.h", 87]
["view_file_list.h", 86]
["view_file_icon.h", 86]
["ui_bookmark.h", 86]
["pan-timeline.c", 86]
["cache-loader.c", 86]
["options.c", 85]
["image-overlay.h", 85]
["view_dir_list.h", 84]
["md5-util.c", 84]
["layout_util.h", 84]
["ui_help.h", 83]
["pan-util.c", 83]
["layout_config.h", 82]
["exif-int.h", 82]
["cache-loader.h", 82]
["format_olympus.h", 81]
["window.h", 80]
["md5-util.h", 80]
["lirc.c", 80]
["cache_maint.h", 80]
["options.h", 78]
["misc.h", 78]
["glua.h", 78]
["filecache.h", 78]
["img-view.h", 77]
["dupe.h", 77]
["ui_spinner.h", 75]
["trash.h", 75]
["search.h", 75]
["renderer-tiles.h", 75]
["renderer-clutter.h", 75]
["pan-view.h", 75]
["logwindow.h", 75]
["lirc.h", 75]
["jpeg_parser.h", 75]
["intl.h", 75]
["image_load_tiff.h", 75]
["image_load_jpeg.h", 75]
["image_load_gdk.h", 75]
["desktop_file.h", 75]
["collect-dlg.h", 75]
["advanced_exif.h", 75]
["ClayRGB1998_icc.h", 74]
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