Consider this withdrawn for now.

I'll resubmit when we think we're nearing time for graduation.


On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 13:17, Greg Stein <> wrote:
> Hello IPMC,
> The Subversion podling would like a waiver of the requirement to make
> a release before graduation.
> As we understand this requirement, it is present in order to
> demonstrate to the podling how releases are made at the ASF.
> Packaging, licensing, signing, placement into the distrubtion/mirror
> system, announcements, among others[1]. We believe that the Subversion
> community already has a deep understanding of the Apache release
> model, based on the following qualifications of several of its
> committers/mentors:
> * Greg Stein has been a committer at Apache since before the
> Foundation was started. He has been involved in releases of httpd and
> APR, including time as Release Manager (RM) for APR. He helped to
> establish the APR TLP and the Commons TLP (prior incarnation; now
> defunct). Greg wrote the versioning guidelines for APR, which are also
> in use by the Subversion project. Through his 8+ years on the Board,
> he has read and reviewed reports from across the ASF about release,
> IP, and infrastructure issues.
> * Justin Erenkrantz has been a committer since 2001, contributing to
> httpd and APR, along with mentoring the stdcxx project when it was in
> the Incubator. He has been the RM for both httpd and APR. In fact,
> Justin wrote the initial guidelines for the release of httpd. Justin
> has been part of Infrastructure almost since its inception as a
> distinct group, which includes the provision of all the facilities to
> actually make and distribute ASF releases. Justin has spent many years
> on the Board, providing further insight to releases across the
> Foundation.
> * Sander Striker has been a committer since 2001, contributing to APR
> and then httpd. Sander acted as the RM for httpd releases, and also
> held a stint as the VP for httpd. Add in his time spent with
> Infrastructure and the Board, and he's been observing ASF releases for
> many years.
> * Garrett Rooney has been a committer since 2004, contributing and
> making releases of APR, and committing to httpd. He was also the VP of
> APR for several years, and has mentored two Incubating projects.
> * Daniel Rall has been a committer since 2001, contributing to many
> projects: Turbine, Fulcrum, Torque, and numerous Jakarta Commons
> projects. He established the community around XML-RPC, brought it
> through the Incubator, and maintained it for several years within the
> XML Project. He also participated in some of the bootstrapping around
> the Velocity and Maven projects, and participated on the Infra team.
> The Subversion community's belief is that we have ample experience to
> guide us in making a release, when that time is arrives. There will
> certainly be variances (e.g. mirroring) from our current established
> procedures[2], but some simple fine-tuning should resolve that. The
> bulk of the existing release process already meets and exceeds that a
> typical Apache release. Niclas Hedman pointed out that the Subversion
> community has produced 32 releases over the past four years, which
> hopefully indicates a smooth, understood, and functional release
> process.
> Cheers,
> -g
> [1] one particular item is using a release as a gating/focal point for
> legal review, but we feel that can be performed as an action
> separate/distinct from performing a release
> [2]

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