On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 12:09:58PM -0700, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> Considering that the Code of Conduct is a subset of the regular Gentoo
> developer policies that Developer Relations already enforces, I would
> say that they are definitely enforcing the CoC and have the authority.
> What DevRel currently doesn't have is authority to exercise over users,
> rather than just developers.  Basically, we're back to where we were
> before we had the Proctors, except we have a more succinct document on
> what is expected behavior.  There are several proposals out now (you've
> seen the enormous thread, I'm sure) dealing with possible alternative
> solutions to the Proctors.  One of them will likely be implemented some
> time soon.  We'll just have to wait and see.

That was about what i would have guessed - thanks for the explanation.


Wernfried Haas (amne) - amne (at) gentoo.org
Gentoo Forums - http://forums.gentoo.org
forum-mods (at) gentoo.org
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