Tiziano Müller wrote:
> Hi everyone
> With eapis 1 and 2 we introduced nice features but also a couple of new
> problems. One of them are the use dependencies when the package you
> depend on doesn't have the use flag anymore (see [1] for an example).
> So I think it's time for a short eapi bump with some distinct
> improvements:
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pPAJXP6shYH78lCXeqRqCUQ

Is there a reason why we should ram through a new EAPI for something
that *looks* like another "Paludis supports this so let's make it a
Portage standard" proposal? Is there some kind of time deadline here
that you all want?

Also, why the bannination of || ( foo? (.).) -- how is it error prone,

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