On 03/31/2010 01:40 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> Those, like me, who have several google apps accounts (I have a personal
>> business one, a personal one, and a work one) can keep accounts separate
>> this way.  Also, since it's the "gentoo.org" google apps account, the
>> email address looks the same as your gentoo address (rather than
>> foo-gen...@gmail.com, etc.).
> this too has been doable forever.  gmail has had a feature where you can set 
> the From: address to any e-maill address once you "verified" it was your e-
> mail address.

Well, that's slightly different.  I use that too, but it means you need
to have all your mail coming into one account.  Yes, you can send from
different senders, but if you want to totally separate your email to
your different addresses into different boxes, this won't work.  Even
labeling is not foolproof, since emails that are to lists or to bcc'd
addresses (i.e. do not contain your address in the header) cannot be
labeled accordingly.

> i'm not against the idea, i was just wondering what the point was

Cool.  :)


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