On 16 December 2012 19:14, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>      People still think of Gentoo as a ricer distro that's broken all
>>>      the time, when in reality, it's one of the most stable.
>> Well that's not entirely true but that's a different issue
> What's not really true? That it's the most stable? or that people
> think of it as a ricer distro?

It is definitely not the most stable. You can't even compare a rolling
release distro with other distros when it comes to stability. It is
just not possible. In order to have something stable, first you need
to test a well-defined set of packages, then declare them (tag them)
as stable, then have a dedicated team, tracking this tree, and fix
potential bugs that may pop up. People may complain that Debian stable
and Centos have ancient packages, but this is expected and it is a
compromise between cutting-edge distro vs stability.

Markos Chandras / Gentoo Linux Developer / Key ID: B4AFF2C2

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