On Thursday 11 April 2013 22:19:40 Duncan wrote:
> Mike Frysinger posted on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 12:49:00 -0400 as excerpted:
> > On Thursday 11 April 2013 11:43:59 James Cloos wrote:
> >> >>>>> "MF" == Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> writes:
> >> MF> this should impact very few (if any)
> >> MF> users, so i don't think a news item makes sense.
> >> 
> >> It will impact everyone who has /dev/pts in fstab(5).
> > 
> > don't do that.  delete the line.
> I wonder if I added my devpts fstab entry (if as you say it wasn't an
> automated add) some time ago, when there was some security related hubbub
> over it, as significantly, my fstab entry has nosuid, noexec, while the
> default for it in /etc/init.d/devfs does not.
> My fstab devpts entry also has noauto, but that's likely simply due to it
> being an fstab entry...
> Regardless, that's at least two gentooers with installations dating from
> the early 00s that have reported having the (GID-less) entry in fstab
> now, so I strongly suspect it's going to affect more users, at least long-
> time users, than you thought.  It may in fact affect the majority of
> users from that era... anyone who hasn't manually removed that entry from
> fstab over the years.
> You mention it wasn't in the old baselayout/openrc tarballs.  What about
> the early stages?  Perhaps that's where it came from?  Anyone with 2004.x
> vintage stage tarballs around to check?

stages get their files from baselayout/openrc.  they don't generate them 

Robin found even older baselayout releases for me.  baselayout- 
(released Nov 2011) and newer don't contain any mention of devpts.

i don't know about 2004 releases, but i have stage tarballs i built in Oct 
2005 using gcc-2.95 and they're exactly what i expect -- they match the 
baselayout install.

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