> Just to counter all of the scary stories,

Yeah, i'd like to counter too. While the implications of getting it
wrong are serious, technically its quite simple. I run my own DNS, and
use a couple of free secondaries (http://www.twisted4life.com and

The upsides of running your own DNS is that you learn the ins and
outs. So, if the DNS is for business that will loose money if you
stuff it up, then i'll tend to agree with the naysayers, but if its a
home domain then go ahead. And if you don't have a home domain, get
one as a learning exercise and once you're mastered that you can
re-consider if you want to move the business domain.

Re: choice of server, I chose BIND as its what the companies I have
worked at use, both ISC BIND and QIP's port of it. djbdns may be
technically superior (eg code separation into different binaries) but
its not as if BIND is very problematic these days. I havent bothered
with chrooting BIND for a long time, but that's only on internal only
DNS or my home DNS. For business internet facing DNS I probably still
would, or use something more modern like Solaris sparse zones.

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