On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 06:03:29 -0500
Chris Walters <cjw20...@comcast.net> wrote:

> On 1/19/2012 05:41 AM, Yohan Pereira wrote:
> > im fairly certain it was humanity that started this whole goverment
> > thing.
> True.  Once started, though, governments tend to evolve on their own
> - I am pretty certain that most government officials are from another
> planet. Besides, isn't it up to humanity to fix government when it
> becomes too toxic to live with?

If by "fix" you mean "wage war on and shoot", then yes :-)

It seems like that is the only method humanity uses to fix it's
governments that go toxic - witness the last year's events in that part
of the world that has lots of desert

Alan McKinnnon

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