On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can I see your  USE


Thank you for your help.  My USE flags are pretty benign.  I'm
beginning to suspect something is grossly wrong with my setup.  Below
I will post my USE line from make.conf and my entire package.use.

# make.conf
# 2012-09-10: Added udev, X, python to appease xorg
# 2012-09-10: Added -gnome dbus" to appease the xfce configuration guide
USE="mmx sse sse2 udev X python -gnome dbus"

# package.use
# 2012-09-10: appease xfce4-meta
sys-fs/udev gudev
sys-auth/consolekit policykit
sys-auth/pambase consolekit

# 2012-09-10: appease thunar
xfce-base/thunar -udev

> Also, your xfce-meta installation didn't pull thunar because you
> didn't set the (surprise) thunar USE flag.

Ahh.  It's coming back to me now.  I believe I had it set originally
but dropped it when I discovered the mess it created.

Thank you,


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