On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Chris Stankevitz
<chrisstankev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Questions (3)-(5)

This should have said (2)-(4).


The problem is "solved" in the Ubuntu sense.  I suspect that I
encountered some kind of portage bug or oddity on the way.

I "solved" the problem by:
1. removed global USE flag -gnome
2. added global USE flag fuse
3. added global USE flag udisks
4. added global USE flag gdu
5. emerge -DNa world

Some/all of the above steps allowed me to successfully "emerge -vat

Now here is the weird part:

thunar-volman demands thunar with the udev USE flag.  Before steps
(1)-(5) above, during install of thunar-volman portage would take it
upon itself to add the udev USE flag to thunar.  And consequently pull
in an ~amd64 version of gvfs.

After steps (1)-(5) above, during install of thunar-volman, portage
would halt the process with the common complaint: "please add udev USE
flag to thunar".  I added the USE flag and then portage happily
installed thunar-volman.



I'm a little upset I solved this using the Ubuntu approach of "try a
bunch of random crap until it works" (in this case the random crap was
me turning on global USE flags without really knowing why).  I guessed
to turn on those USE flags due to the output of "emerge -d" which I
posted earlier.

Thanks for your help everyone,


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