Actually, we now know what linux it runs and people are starting to break it, 
at least as far as finding bugs.  Remember, this is embeded, no easy way to 
update the code to patch exploits.  Just need to rootkit that sucker, or don't 
buy frigin intel.
Gee, I'd really love an openpower machine, but i'm not rich, and most of us 
aren't.  I'm disabled, I will never be able to buy a new computer, much less a 
top of the line unit.
What ever happened to the open bios project?  seemed like there was real 
progress and that the bridge chip makers etc. were finally making documentation 
available to someone other than the main bios makers.

Democracy now!

13. Sep 2018 14:55 by <>:

> Impossible - ME can't be disabled.
> Me cleaner only nerfs it by removing various modules, either BUP (init)
> still runs or the kernel still runs plus any option/mask roms.
> If you want a PC without black boxes either buy a pre-PSP amd board like
> KGPE-D16/KCMA-D8, g505s laptop and install coreboot/libreboot+openbmc or
> get a non-x86 device like the brand new/fast OpenPOWER9 TALOS 2
> (> <>> ) which is currently selling 
> for less than
> equivilant x86 hardware.
> The only owner controlled CPU arch now is OpenPOWER.

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