On 9/17/18 10:53 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2018-09-14, james <gar...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> On 9/13/18 7:52 PM, mad.scientist.at.la...@tutanota.com wrote:
>>> Actually, we now know what linux it runs and people are starting to
>>> break it, at least as far as finding bugs.
>> Do enlighten me; what linux (embedded) does ME run? any details are
>> of interest to me.
> It doesn't run Linux.  According to
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Management_Engine It runs Minix 3.

Minix-3. Hmmmm. I like that fact, but I just to not have any
extra_energy for another OS/rtos. Power-arch is not an option for me.

So much good information, I am going to have to ponder a few deep
choices on controlling the bios/firmware 100%. Perhaps arm64 embedded
boards with at least (4) gig of ddr-4. Perhaps mobos where open user
controllable firmware is available.  AMD with PSP, looks as bad
as Intel-ME?

Perhaps old AMD systems, pre PSP, internet facing with a HPC cluster
behind them, where resources are source via the HPC cluster, which
actually fits in well with a HPC-Hybrid gentoo cluster approach.

Since I have been work on my own HPC gentoo clusters, I'm more motivated
to put something "I" control onto an arm64 variant, until RiscV matures
or FPGA come way down in price. Perhaps a Front-end-core-system out of
old discreet logic chips of yore? Or modern PLA/PLD boards, some of
which are 3D-printable now ?


prayerfully in hope of a real, verifiable solution::


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