On 9/13/18 7:52 PM, mad.scientist.at.la...@tutanota.com wrote:
> Actually, we now know what linux it runs and people are starting to
> break it, at least as far as finding bugs.� 

Do enlighten me; what linux (ebedded) does ME run? any details are of
interest to me.

> Remember, this is embeded, no easy way to update the code to patch 
> exploits.� 

Many embedded systems are rather sloppy with security, once you find
the jtag or other low level interface pins. Not hard to get find docs on
most boards? Often other ports can be used to download codes to a
variety of memory on the boards. It takes time, unless you get docs,
which then it is fairly routine for embedded devs.

> Just need to rootkit that sucker, or don't buy frigin intel.

> Gee, I'd really love an openpower machine, but i'm not rich, and most of
> us aren't.� I'm disabled, I will never be able to buy a new computer,
> much less a top of the line unit.

I have no interest about openpower, but surely there is a way to get you
some better hardware?

> What ever happened to the open bios project?� seemed like there was real
> progress and that the bridge chip makers etc. were finally making
> documentation available to someone other than the main bios makers.

I've just never really worked on this ME/PSP issue. Surely there are
sites and projects that welcome folks to participate and get the basic
info on the state of the public knowledge?

> Democracy now!

Dream on. Everybody has a different view of democracy. Gated communities
and isolate communities are the wave of the future. Different folks just
do not get along, socially. Online filters out the unacceptable
differences. Besides the world is preparing for war. 8 billion strong,
and jobs for less than a billion?  War cometh....

Get small and hide....

Now about you getting some better hardware. Drop me some private mail.


> 13. Sep 2018 14:55 by taii...@gmx.com <mailto:taii...@gmx.com>:
>     Impossible - ME can't be disabled.
>     Me cleaner only nerfs it by removing various modules, either BUP (init)
>     still runs or the kernel still runs plus any option/mask roms.
>     If you want a PC without black boxes either buy a pre-PSP amd board like
>     KGPE-D16/KCMA-D8, g505s laptop and install coreboot/libreboot+openbmc or
>     get a non-x86 device like the brand new/fast OpenPOWER9 TALOS 2
>     (https://raptorcs.com) which is currently selling for less than
>     equivilant x86 hardware.
>     The only owner controlled CPU arch now is OpenPOWER.

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