On 2024-02-02, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 4:39 PM Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I googled for ZFS backup applications, but didn't find anything that
>> seemed to be widespread and "supported" the way that rsnapshot is.
> I'm not exactly sure I'm following your thoughts above but

rsnapshot is an application that uses rsync to do
hourly/daily/weekly/monthly (user-configurable) backups of selected
directory trees. It's done using rsync to create snapshots. They are
in-effect "incremental" backups, because the snapshots themselves are
effectively "copy-on-write" via clever use of hard-links by rsync. A
year's worth of backups for me is 7 daily + 4 weekly + 12 monthly
snapshots for a total of 23 snapshots.  If nothing has changed during
the year, those 23 snapshots take up the same amount of space as a
single snapshot.

My understanding of ZFS is that it has built-in snapshot functionality
that provides something similar to what is done by rsync by its use of
hard-links.  In my current setup, there's an application called
rsnapshot that manages/controls the snapshots by invoking rsync in
various ways. My question was about the existence of a similar
application that can be used with ZFS's built-in snapshot support to
provide a similar backup scheme.

> have you investigated True-NAS? It is Open ZFS based and
> does support snapshots.

I'm aware of True-NAS, but I'm not looking for NAS. I was asking
abouth methods to backup one local disk to another local disk.


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