On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 9:32 PM, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>   OK, it appears that this has solved the problem as best I can tell
> right now. The two most consist manifestations of the problem - error
> messages when running layman and warning messages when starting k3b -
> are all gone.
>   The solution in my case for anyone who might find this thread later was:
> 1) Move all the locale stuff out of /etc/make.conf. I now only have
> the LINGUAS statement in there.
> 2) Move all the locale stuff into /etc/env.d/02locale. I'm not
> qualified to say what the right set of statements in 02locale might
> be. I copied the ones kindly provided by smallnow. I did not set
> 3) Possibly most important run eselect env update. I've been running
> the older env-update script. I guess I did miss the memo! ;-)
>   At this point the machine seems the happiest it's been in months.
> I'll of course have to watch it go through some updates over the next
> few weeks but the obvious issues seem solved.
> Good night, over and out,
> Mark

Good morning,
   Finishing the thread from last night, I think it was obvious but
for anyone reading later I did re-emerge glibc.

   OK, it turns out there may still be an issue or two. At least I'd
like to get your input on it.

   All of the issues I had recognized up through yesterday were
successfully fixed using the steps above. However when compiling
Ardour this morning I found that it was installing locale data for as
much as I can tell every language possible. Does this imply there is
still a locale issue? If I only need en_US derivatives then why are
other locale messages getting installed?

   Also, I noticed when using slocate that there are some locale
directories under X11. In the same spirit, are they there by default
or left over from something I did earlier and haven't correctly
cleaned up?

lightning ~ # ls /usr/share/X11/locale/
C                 iso8859-11  ja            microsoft-cp1251  zh_CN.UTF-8
am_ET.UTF-8       iso8859-13  ja.JIS        microsoft-cp1255  zh_CN.gb18030
armscii-8         iso8859-14  ja.S90        microsoft-cp1256  zh_CN.gbk
compose.dir       iso8859-15  ja.SJIS       mulelao-1         zh_HK.UTF-8
el_GR.UTF-8       iso8859-2   ja.U90        nokhchi-1         zh_HK.big5
en_US.UTF-8       iso8859-3   ja_JP.UTF-8   pt_BR.UTF-8       zh_HK.big5hkscs
georgian-academy  iso8859-4   ko            tatar-cyr         zh_TW
georgian-ps       iso8859-5   ko_KR.UTF-8   th_TH             zh_TW.UTF-8
ibm-cp1133        iso8859-6   koi8-c        th_TH.UTF-8       zh_TW.big5
iscii-dev         iso8859-7   koi8-r        tscii-0
isiri-3342        iso8859-8   koi8-u        vi_VN.tcvn
iso8859-1         iso8859-9   locale.alias  vi_VN.viscii
iso8859-10        iso8859-9e  locale.dir    zh_CN
lightning ~ #


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