Ed lawson wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:46:47 -0400
> Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Technically under the state lobbying laws you need to be paid to do it
> before you are a lobbyist and the state law covers more than legilation.

And there I go, practicing law without a license again. My bad.

>> I think this discussion of legal entity types does bring us back to
>> the great question. 
> Which remains unresolved I take it.

Well, I think each time the group takes it up, we help refine the
question and its answers. The discussion is worthwhile. I am certainly
gaining some education from it. It does seem like an unending debate
society to some observers, I'm sure.

>  So long as GNHLUG is just a
> very loose collections of folks who from time to time meet and from
> time to time do little projects, then maybe the great question is
> irrelevant actually. If GNHLUG is to do more than that, then the
> question needs to be resolved and it needs to move on.  It may well be
> that some like the former, but just cannot stand the latter and
> they will need to accept things or move on.  So it is a fundamental
> question and needs to be resolved if some types of activities are to be
> engaged in to any degree.  

I agree. That's why we continue to hold board meetings and keep it on
the agenda. It will be resolved. I'm just willing to let the debate play
out a bit more. I hope others share my patience.

> Personally, I need to ask for the check now as I have too many irons in
> the fire for the next few weeks to actively participate, but will
> listen and think about it all.

This one ought to be on me. Thanks, Ed!

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
gnhlug-org mailing list

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