Howdy, all.  I'm moderately knowledgeable in routing, but I'm banging my
head against the wall in this case: I've got a RH 7.2 box that has two
NICs in it; one goes to our T-1 subnet, and the other to a cable modem --
we've got it set up to act as a backup mail gateway if/when the T1 takes a
hit.  Works like a charm.  HOWEVER, I can't seem to figure out how to get
both interfaces to be "visible" at the same time from non-local hosts,

/--------\            /--------\
|Internet|            |Internet|
\--------/            \--------/
    |                     | (router) (Linksys behind cable modem)
    |                     | (eth0) (eth1)
       \                 /
        \               /
         \             /
          |  mailhost |

Now I understand that having more than one default gateway is... weird,
and, usually, means that you're running a routing protocol such as IGRP or
somesuch.  But what if you're not?  Is there any way to say something like
"if traffic originates on eth0, reply to it from eth0; if it comes from
eth1, then use eth1", and go from there?

Any hints/suggestions/etc., would be much appreciated.



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