On 28/01/2014 03:28, Bottiger wrote:
You made a false accusation without any kind of reasoning? I've never said
or hinted I was affiliated with Lotus. Your other statements have also been
completely baseless.

Well, no, I made a joke because I mistook you for one set of people who run a bunch
of servers instead of another bunch.

Mainly because the fake doctor said "Bottiger: I have nothing against you or Lotus"
when you started crying about being put in a list.

Which, now, it's clear meant "I've nothing against skial or lotus" but
it could be interpreted as saying "I've nothing against you or your company" to
someone involved with that company, yes?

Anyway I apologised. Take or leave it, but get over it.

I'm not sure exactly what "accusation" you believe was made?
Is it against the law to use the word "nudes" where you live or something?
Will you end up on the run "falsely accused of using the word nudes, Bottiger
had to flee into the night to hide...would he clear his name..."

I look forward to seeing the movie. I love a good melodrama.

The only evidence you have offered sums up to: "I did it so
everyone else can too".

Sheesh. I wasn't the only one playing TF2.  I wasn't on empty servers.

How do you think the other players connected before quickplay?

The evidence is and was obvious. Millions of people played the game and
joined servers using the browser before quickplay existed - and they
do the same in myriad other games that don't have a quickplay feature too.

And they still do it today, after quickplay.


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