You made a false accusation without any kind of reasoning? I've never said
or hinted I was affiliated with Lotus. Your other statements have also been
completely baseless.

> e.g much of the time your 2fort servers are full of people having
"parties" in the sewers, red and blu together, and not even playing.

Valve servers aren't immune from this and we ban friendlies.

> The worst thing about the vanilla game is the dumb scrambling at 2-0

We don't scramble at 2 wins in a row. And I have never heard of anyone but
you complain about this. From what I can see you have some odd complaints
and you seem to think everyone else has the same problems you have.

> Valve have always taken these via quickplay, even before the checkbox,
because they weighted the joining based upon hours in the game

Wrong again. They used to have an exclusive bonus but this was removed a
while ago as stated by Valve on this very mailing list.

> But I suppose you only care how many people you have connected and
decide, as mister mckay is trying to in the other post that if someone
connects they think it's good.

What is the alternative? Some rating moderated by you? Is it impossible for
you to grasp that most people might like something you don't?

> There have been people on the list in the past who have tried to give the
impression that using the server browser is evidence of being gifted and
talented, let's not go down that path again.

You are wrong about this just like the other things you pretend to be an
expert about. The only evidence you have offered sums up to: "I did it so
everyone else can too". Most people have the mental capacity to use the TF2
browser just like most people had the ability to use superior browsers when
IE6 had the most users for a decade. It isn't about mental capacity, this
is an awareness problem that Valve made by hiding unofficial servers.

Valve has forgotten that some of the server owners here, at least those of
us who bought the game, are also their customers. When TF2 came out there
was an expectation that you can host your own server and be equally
accessible to ALL players, not just a few people who click on a button
tucked under 2 full-sized quickplay buttons. The same kind of expectation
everyone else here has that TF2 won't became pay-to-win. A massive change
like this should only be done in new games like CS:GO where people know
what they are getting into before investing thousands of dollars and hours.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 4:55 PM, dan <> wrote:

> On 25/01/2014 23:53, Bottiger wrote:
>> You rather asinine tags
>> We don't have any tags like that. Rather typical of you to make false
>> claims, unfortunately some here probably take your asinine postings
>> seriously.
> Ah my mistake, I thought you were lotus. Apologies.
>  You can't have it both ways, either your servers are so much better and
>> This change does not allow community servers to fairly compete with Valve
>> servers when they get all the new players.
> They don't "get all the new players" I found and played on numerous servers
> years before quickplay was added.
> There have been people on the list in the past who have tried to give
> the impression that using the server browser is evidence of being gifted
> and talented, let's not go down that path again.
> But TBH, if you want a server that's worth playing on you don't really want
> players that can't fathom how to find and connect to servers - and you
> probably don't really want new players that not only can't play but
> don't even know where to begin playing.
> Valve have always taken these via quickplay, even before the checkbox,
> because
> they weighted the joining based upon hours in the game, and
> the reputation of Valve's servers has suffered as a result -
> i.e even the weakest players will still express the idea that
> Valve servers are "full of noobs" - not entirely true (because
> a fair number of people join them directly and have significant
> time in the game) but not entirely false either - clearly
> Valve's weighting created servers full of people who
> cannot play - and it still is doing.
> But, you could do a ton of things to improve skial servers.
> At least the few I've played on.
> e.g much of the time your 2fort servers are full of people having "parties"
> in the sewers, red and blu together, and not even playing.
> But I suppose you only care how many people you have connected
> and decide, as mister mckay is trying to in the other post that
> if someone connects they think it's good.
> Wrong. I've played on your servers a lot and,
> without wanting a big long argument about it, I think
> they suck. The saving grace you have is, most of the
> other servers suck most of the time too.
> What you can do about that - probably nothing.
> The servers suck or are good because of the players, not
> because of anything you do or don't do.
> I play for that small percentage of the time when you
> get a decent round - and it's getting a smaller and smaller
> percentage - because Valve redesigned the game to
> be an item collecting one instead of a class-based FPS.
> I play on Valve servers (when they are around, which
> is often not the case, hence why I end up connecting
> to servers that suck for a few weeks) mostly because the vanilla round
> times mean, if you hop from server to server, you get an actual game of
> TF2.
> 24 people (well, minus the spies and snipers) all trying to cap the
> intelligence
> or stop the other team doing it, until the team I am on wins.
> Or cap the point in koth, or whatever the objective is. I tend to play CTF
> because
> given a pub community where half the server aren't interested, you can at
> least
> still play CTF, the other game modes don't work well if people don't play.
> The worst thing about the vanilla game is the dumb scrambling at 2-0,
> but there are no 3rd party servers that fix that, they nearly all make it
> worse
> with ill thought out plugins.
> But I digress, tl;dr, there's nothing stopping playing from finding and
> connecting to your servers
> as before and, if Valve's servers are full of new players, that's exactly
> what they will do -
> my advice would be, make your servers somewhere where it's worth playing
> TF2 and
> don't assume that because someone plays on your server they must think
> it's great -
> 90% of what makes a server good or bad is down to who else is on it, but
> the 10%
> most server admins get wrong imo - it's just they all suck at it (because
> they copy each other)
> --
> Dan
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