On 7/13/07, Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > even *if* i publish my music under a copyleft and/or free license, or
> > > just give it away royalty-free,
> > > the RIAA *will* collect royalties for *all* music broadcast or shared
> > > on the web.
> > > so as an artist you could just give up and collect your money from
> > > them, or donate it to them so they keep screwing the consumer as a
> > > beggar-king, or you could just stop publishing music totally.
> first of all, it would be helpful if others read the fine details on the
> above, since i may have misinterpreted somethings. it's a bit confusing
> for
> mpaame, but overall, yes, the RIAA collects royalties even for free music.

True, but in this case it is possible because of *policy* and has nothing to
do with copyright. The RIAA doesn't claim copyright on someone else's music.
It's It collects royalties and (claims to) share it with the original
copyright holder (even if he/she doesn't want any royalties). Yes it's
hair-brained and crazy but it's not as worrisome as it would have been had
RIAA claimed that the Free/CC License the music is published under somehow
allows RIAA to impose such restrictions. Effectively RIAA seems to have
jammed its foot exactly in between the stage of the music getting composed
and the stage of the music getting copylefted and being released on the web.
A gray area where politicians and the powers-that-be can do anything they

-- Anupam
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