> first of all, it would be helpful if others read the fine details on the
> above, since i may have misinterpreted somethings. it's a bit confusing for
> me, but overall, yes, the RIAA collects royalties even for free music.
>>> find references here:
>>> http://www.freepress.net/news/22887
>> So how does it affect my Internet radio station with artists from, say,
>> Europe, server based in Germany and promoters based in India?  Are we
>> liable?  I mean, the last A in RIAA does stand for ``Assh^H^H^H^H
>> America'', doesn't it?
>> Regards,
>> -- Raju
>> --
> of course the RIAA won't, but the question is will the MPAA in india? or
> another equivalent indian-version of the long harm of the law.
> IANAL,  but it's surprising how things can be tracked down and shut down if
> somone wants to do it. remember apple's fairplay controversy?
> could someone check with lawrence liang what's the take on this?
> i don't know.

Here's an interesting link on the subject:


Looks like there maybe a change in plans.

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