> > even *if* i publish my music under a copyleft and/or free license, or
> > just give it away royalty-free,
> > the RIAA *will* collect royalties for *all* music broadcast or shared
> > on the web.
> > so as an artist you could just give up and collect your money from
> > them, or donate it to them so they keep screwing the consumer as a
> > beggar-king, or you could just stop publishing music totally.

first of all, it would be helpful if others read the fine details on the
above, since i may have misinterpreted somethings. it's a bit confusing for
me, but overall, yes, the RIAA collects royalties even for free music.

> > find references here:
> > http://www.freepress.net/news/22887
> So how does it affect my Internet radio station with artists from, say,
> Europe, server based in Germany and promoters based in India?  Are we
> liable?  I mean, the last A in RIAA does stand for ``Assh^H^H^H^H
> America'', doesn't it?
> Regards,
> -- Raju
> --

of course the RIAA won't, but the question is will the MPAA in india? or
another equivalent indian-version of the long harm of the law.
IANAL,  but it's surprising how things can be tracked down and shut down if
somone wants to do it. remember apple's fairplay controversy?

could someone check with lawrence liang what's the take on this?
i don't know.

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