On Nov 14, 2007 4:50 AM, Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 22:23:53 +0530, Kazim Zaidi
> > On 13-Nov-07, at 8:13 PM, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >> >         Could you please elaborate? Do you have specifics in mind
> >> > where Debian is either "purist friendly" or not "user friendly", but
> a
> >> > Debian derivative has markedly different behaviour?
> > Well, my ignorance doesn't allow me to participate in a flamewar here.
>        I am sorry to not be able to help you out here.  My desire is to
>  have a dialogue, not to engage in flame wars, so if it is a flame you
>  desire, you have to look elsewhere.  Why _would_ you prefer us to flame
>  each other, though, out of curiosity?
> > But the point that I want to convey was that Ubuntu & Debian have very
> > different goals. Ubuntu insists on user-friendliness and targets
> > desktop users primarily, while Debian would aim for stability and
> > originality.
>        Your claims about the target for Debian come as a surprise to
>  me. I have always thought that the goal of Debian was to be the best
>  distribution of Linux ever, and sacrificing user friendliness seems to
>  be contrary to that goal.
>        Could you please show me where Debian says it strives solely for
>  stability and originality, at the expense of other characteristics?
>  Perhaps I am missing out on something here.
> > In particular read here http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/56
>        Mark is a fairly new Debian developer, so I would not place a
>  great deal of faith in his articulation of what Debian's goals
>  are. Indeed, canonical's financial success derives from peoples belief
>  that somehow canonical's product line is better than Debian, so ...
>        As he confesses in that article, he does not really have a good
>  handle on what the goals of Debian are. I am there fore overjoyed to
>  hear that you have an idea on what Debian wants to do.
>        Could you please elaborate, perhaps from the writings of someone
>  who knows Debian better, what you think Debian's goals are?  I know a
>  lot of people who would be very interested.
>        manoj
> --
> Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job? A: Four; three to
> hold it down, and one to rip its head off.
> Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
> 1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C
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This is what i consider as flame wars.
But what i think Kazim was trying to say was not actually what it seems, i
myself is a Debian user from a long time, its not like defending someone,
but why we don't look at small facts, like,
> I need to configure glx before i can run any 3D desktop client.
> I need to edit ALSA configuration to have my system defaults its sound to
software mixer, which is preconfigured in ubuntu.
> I need to install everything in text mode. (does anyone think a novice
user had a dream the night before he installed debain, to give "installgui"
at the boot prompt)
> I myself need to edit sources.list, <defaults to an empty file in debian>
to get aptitude working.
> Its the end of 2007, and i still log in for the first time in the
traditional old gnome theme. Same with other desktop environments.
> One needs to download or what i did, steal bash_completion to get the
better environment support.
// And many of hue and tricks, which are there in distros like fedora and

    Are these things justified for a person just starting his journey of
GNU/Linux. And answer yourself, how many of power users you have seen,
recommending Debian for novices?
Yes its true that Debian is providing a real stable system, but i don't
think its doing much in terms of user-friendliness, what other trends are
driving Linux to.... Anyhow, this is my personal opinion, maybe they want a
raw distro!

Shamail Tayyab
shamail [at] inbox.com
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