"Anatol Belski" in php.internals (Tue, 3 Feb 2015 09:11:18 +0100):
>Hi Michael,
>On Tue, February 3, 2015 08:31, Michael Wallner wrote:
>> On 3 Feb 2015 08:10, "Adam Harvey" <ahar...@php.net> wrote:
>> I understand your thoughts. How about if we do for mcrypt what we did for
>> mhash, I.e. implement a compatible layer on top of openssl? I have not
>> checked if it's even possible yet, just an idea that popped into mind. I
>> would be willing to do this to learn more about the openssl innards, so
>> I'd probably need someone else to verify my work.
>if you venture to do this, please ping. I can support you at least with
>testing and maybe more.

Daniel Stenberg (curl dev) happened to point to libtomcrypt today:


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