Peter Jin <> writes:

> We have an audit system which uses separate tables with similar structure to
> store different kinds of activities for a user. We want to report the number
> of activities per activity type per user.

Still sounds pretty standard in terms of database schema.  Can I
assume that these separate activity tables have some field or unique
key that correlates back to a user table or table containing per-user
information?  If so, then unless the tables are stored in separate
database servers, it sounds like you just want to join those tables as
part of the primary query without much hassle.

Dumb example - you have a set of users, who can get rows added to one of
three activity tables, related to three activities that have different
metrics.  Each row in an activity table is a single instance of that
user performing that activity:

      id integer primary key
      name text

      user_id integer -- foreign key references users(id)
      distance integer

      user_id integer -- foreign key references users(id)
      hits integer

      user_id integer -- foreign key references users(id)
      weight integer

(The join will work without the database having explicit foreign key
 references but they should be there for referential integrity if the
 activity tables do have entries for users.  For performance you should
 also ensure that is indexed at a minimum).

Then, a query like the following:

    SELECT    id, name,
              count(a1.distance) as a1_cnt, sum(a1.distance) as a1_total,
              count(a2.hits) as a2_cnt, sum(a2.hits) as a2_total,
              count(a3.weight) as a3_cnt, sum(a3.weight) as a3_total
    FROM      users 
    LEFT JOIN activity1 a1 on = a1.user_id
    LEFT JOIN activity2 a2 on = a2.user_id
    LEFT JOIN activity3 a3 on = a3.user_id
    GROUP BY  id, name;

would produce a result set looking like:

    id   name          a1_cnt  a1_total  a2_cnt  a2_total  a3_cnt  a3_total
    1    User 1          ##     ####       ##     ####       ##     ####
    2    User 2          ##     ####       ##     ####       ##     ####

Feed that into a JasperReports report designed for grouping by id/user
and then you have access to all of the total information in a single
detail line for that user, to be presented in the per-user section of
that report.

Now if you're looking for individual detail lines for each activity
for each user, then I think your original thought of a UNION query was
on the right track, although you're still joining within the
individual components of the UNION to link the user to the activity.

For example:

    SELECT * from (

        SELECT    id, name, 'activity1' as activity,
                  count(a.distance) as count, sum(a.distance) as total
        FROM      users LEFT JOIN a1 a on = a.user_id
        GROUP BY  id, name, activity
        SELECT    id, name, 'activity2' as activity,
                  count(a.hits) as count, sum(a.hits) as total
        FROM      users LEFT JOIN a2 a on = a.user_id
        GROUP BY  id, name, activity
        SELECT    id, name, 'activity3' as activity,
                  count(a.weight) as count, sum(a.weight) as total
        FROM      users LEFT JOIN a3 a on = a.user_id
        GROUP BY  id, name, activity

    ) as data

    ORDER by id, name, activity;

which would result in a result set like:

    id   name    activity    count    total
     1   User 1  activity1    ##       ###
     1   User 1  activity2    ##       ###
     1   User 1  activity3    ##       ###
     2   User 2  activity1    ##       ###
     2   User 2  activity2    ##       ###
     2   User 2  activity3    ##       ###

which I think would work fine for Jasper to perform nested groupings
on it, first by id/name and then by activity.

I know you mentioned HQL not supporting a UNION, but JasperReport can
make a direct SQL query to the underlying data, so I'm not sure that HQL
needs to be involved.  Also, you mentioned being concerned with the size
of the data set, but as you can see here, you'll only get one summary
row per user, per activity, so I'm not sure how the data set can be any
smaller (even via a mechanism other than UNION) and still provide you
with per-activity row data for display in the report.

Note that if the activity tables have columns for a name for the activity
you could select that in lieu of the static string, though if there's any
chance for overlap you'll then want a UNION ALL instead.

Nesting the query and applying an overall ordering helps ensure that
you get the sequence in an appropriate order for reporting, since
otherwise an engine might produce an arbitrary ordering.

Or, if the per-user section of the report is just supposed to show
a row per activity with total values (e.g., just what this query gives),
then there's no need to have a second level of grouping in the report,
just take the raw query records as your rows and use them to generate
the detail lines for the per-user information.

Similarly, if you needed access to the raw activity records for each
activity, drop the count() and sum() portions of the query in favor of
the raw fields you care about, at which point JasperReports can do the
summing itself during the grouping process.  But that would likely be
less efficient if you really only needed the per-activity totals

And of course, at some point it's probably logical to consider hiding
some or all of this logic behind some views on the database server
side, thus reducing the need to have the join complexity stored in the
report - especially if you'll have multiple reports working off of the
same sort of query.

Hope this helps.  Note that none of this is too JasperReports
specific, but is more a question on querying data from the SQL data
source.  As such, you may also find assistance in more generic
database (especially for whatever your source database system is) or
SQL forums.

-- David

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