Hi Eric,

This approach can also be overwhelming and frustrating - I saw it first hand 
with some co-workers, having to stop their work to find out and turn off new 
features they didn't want in the first place. 

Another tactic might be to start with the more powerful features disabled and 
provide documentation on them, including screenshots. Curious users will find 
the info and tinker with them, and spread the word in wikis and mailing lists; 
less sophisticated users won't be frustrated with all the colors and extra 
fontification getting in their way, coming from nowhere, as soon as they 
install the new library. They might them be more receptive to turn them on 

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric M. Ludlam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 8:46 AM
> To: Felix Dorner
> Cc: jde@sunsite.dk
> Subject: Re[2]: "header line" bugs and artifacts
> Hi,
>   Stickyfunc mode puts the first line of the method/class 
> that is on the top line of the window into the header line.  
> That way you can always see what function you are working on. 
>  It's something I always thought would be useful.
>   The overline is simply a decoration to help divide 
> different types of tags from eachother in the buffer.  I 
> copied the idea from some Java editor I saw a coworker using. 
>  It is a part of semantic-decoration-mode.  You can concoct 
> your own decorations with `define-semantic-decoration-style'.
>   I have seen several times that people look at these things 
> and go "Eeww!  What's all this?"  and after a little bit 
> change their minds and think they are useful.
>   You can turn all the "code-helpers" off and suffer no ill 
> effect.  I turn most things on in the default so you get 
> exposed to them, and can later choose which tools you like 
> and turn off the others.
> Eric
> >>> Felix Dorner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> seems to think that:
> >>
> >>
> >>That's the because of semantic stickyfunc mode. Try M-x 
> >>global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode.
> >>  
> >>
> >
> >OK thanks. With that, the header-line disappeared.
> >I guess it appeared because I have 
> (semantic-load-enable-code-helpers)
> >(as in the cedet INSTALL file), do I really need this?
> >
> >another artifact that appeared yesterday too was an overline right 
> >above a class body, just like this:
> >
> >__________________________
> >class TestSocket extends Socket{...
> >
> >
> >and a similar overline right above the main method of that class
> >
> >So what are those lines meant for?
> >Felix
> >
> -- 
>           Eric Ludlam:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
>    Home: http://www.ludlam.net            Siege: www.siege-engine.com
> Emacs: http://cedet.sourceforge.net               GNU: www.gnu.org

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