Dear Luciano,

Wow! That is amazing! It worked easily for me (MacBook Pro).

For people who haven't tried it: Go the link below. It asks permission to use your camera. Follow simple instructions to calibrate (takes less than one minute). Then whatever part of the molecule you look at rotates to the front! By tracking your eye movements!


On 5/16/17 2:59 AM, Luciano Abriata wrote:
And Eric, regarding the anecdote, actually I wanted to do this for something similar. With help from Angel I coupled an eye gazer that uses the webcam to track the user's eyes. Then, whatever part of the molecule you look at comes to the front (and now its frontmost residues get labeled). It doesn't work very well due to the low "resolution" of the eye gazer, but with good light on your face you can see the effect coming up!

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