
Another important target IMHO - merge all important stuff 
(root.lrp/etc.lrp/config.lrp/other packages that are 100% present in 
LEAF box) into initrd. And try to add support for squashfs initrd + r/w 
tmpfs via overlayfs over top of it (which will be useful for embedded 
devices with mtd flash memory).

22.09.2015 19:27, kp kirchdoerfer пишет:
> For upcoming master it's a good time now to collect ideas.
> Just a few that comes in my mind : gcc update, update uclibc to ulibc-ng or
> musl, improve building for different architectures by decoupling kernel
> versions, improvments for build enviroment (e.g. a command like cleanall.sh
> but without deleting the build of repo/toolchain)....
> kp


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