Thanks, Cheryl, for not staying out of it :). A lot of us TMG users are
trying to figure out how we can do things in our new software. This is
very hard sometimes because we are not nearly as familiar with the new
software, because it is often hard to think outside of the TMG "box",
and because we have such long lists of workarounds we are trying to
find. So, any feasible ideas are welcome! They may not work for all, but
they may work for some.

For those who do not knot their undies easily ... I experimented with
putting the number or letter in parens, say (11), after any real suffix.
The parens would distinguish the code from any true Prefix or Suffix
that I have and from the RINs (displayed as [11]) and user IDs
(displayed as {11}). Another nice thing about the prefix/suffix solution
is that those fields are searchable. So, I could search for all persons
coded "(11)" or for all persons coded at all ("("). This is not a
replacement for more tags (which can be set via Advanced Tagging), but
it might be a feasible workaround for some.

Another possibility would be to treat the Legacy Tags as one would a
9-bit binary number.  However, to distinguish 10 lines, you would need
to use only 4 Tags. Where T is tagged and u is untagged:
Tags -     1234
Line 1 -  uuuT
Line 2 -  uuTu
Line 3 -  uuTT
Line 4 -  uTuu
Line 5 -  uTuT
Line 6 -  uTTu
Line 7 -  uTTT
Line 8 -  Tuuu
Line 9 -  TuuT
Line 10 - TuTu

This would have the advantage that one would learn to count to 10 in
binary very quickly.

Barbara L.

On 12/1/2014 10:34 AM, singhals wrote:
> I polly outta stay out of this, but I won't.
> After following the thread here, sounds to me as if you
> don't really need *colors*, all you really need is a way to
> distinguish the 23 John Smith or Benedict Beek one from the
> other.
> In the name fields, Legacy has both a prefix and a suffix,
> both of which will display in the Name List as well as the
> family-view and pedigree view.  Pick one of 'em, and assign
> your color-lines a number -- me, I'd assign the line with
> the most people the #1; but you could assign Amber as #1 and
> Yellow as #25; or your own line as #1, etc.  The
> possibilities probably rival those 256 million colors 90% of
> the population can't distinguish anyway.
> If this knots up your undies, no need to say so, you can
> just ignore me.  Lots of people *DO*.
> Cheryl
> Who still not-so-secretly prefers PAF 2.31.
> Dawn Beeks wrote:
>> Barbara,
>> Thanks for your input.
>> Because I have 10 different lines of “beeks”, when they pop
>> up, I really need to see what line they are in, so I don’t
>> have to follow the line until I see someone familiar and
>> say, oh it’s this line.  And people have said,  create 10
>> projects but that doesn’t allow me to move the person easily
>> to the supposedly correct line/project.  So the color is the
>> big clincher for me, especially when I have 5 or 6  Johns
>> and Williams all born in the same timeframe. J
>> When you did your transfer, did your colors roll over or
>> disappear?
>> I’ve tried doing the colors, but I can’t get it to stay or work.
>> I will go ahead and buy the deluxe and play some more before
>> I make that final decision__
>> Dawn Beeks
>> 653 Pampas Place
>> Sierra Vista,  AZ 85635
>> 520 249-5595
>> *From:*karenhappuch []
>> *Sent:* Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:01 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] TMG looking for new home Legacy vs
>> RootsMagic 7
>> Dawn,
>> I've migrated from TMG to Legacy over the past few months. I
>> looked at the same programs that you have, but chose Legacy
>> as my main program. At first the lack of flags (Legacy calls
>> these "tagging") and the lack of accent colors bothered me.
>> While improved tagging would be great, I no longer miss the
>> accent colors.
>> The free version of Legacy has only 3 tags, but the full
>> version has nine. Mine were assigned very quickly and I want
>> more, more, more.
>> IMO TMG users considering Legacy should buy the full
>> program. That's the only way that you'll see all of Legacy's
>> functions and options.
>> Barbara


Barbara Levergood

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