I tried running leoserver directly and it worked.  That is, LeoInteg in VSC 
was able to connect.  I have Leo 6.7.4 installed.  Here is the command I 
used (on Windows):

py -m leo.core.leoserver

What command did you use to start leoserver.py?
On Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 10:38:28 AM UTC-4 Israel Hands wrote:

> Felix - thanks for such a timely and comprehensive reply. I have come back 
> from the future and remembered I labelled the directory with the creation 
> date 7/21 rather than the Leo version number.... sad but true! I have 
> installed the latest version of Leo
> Leo 6.7.4
> Python 3.11.4, PyQt version 6.5.2
> Windows 10 AMD64 (build 10.0.19045) SP0
>  and pointed Leointeg at it 
> C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\leo
>  I left the python command empty as I assumed the 'py' for windows would 
> be fine. 
> That didn't work...
> I then tried 
> C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\leo\core
> as that is where the server script actually lives. 
> That didn't work  'can't find the server script'
> I tried adding py to the Python command but that didn't work. 
> When I run the server script manually I get:
> Starting LeoBridge Server 1.0.6 (Launch with -h for help)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\leo\core\leoPlugins.py",
> line 538, in loadOnePluginHelper
>     __import__(moduleName)
>   File 
> "C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\leo\plugins\livecode.py",
> line 18, in <module>
>     from meta import asttools
>   File 
> "C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\meta\__init__.py",
> line 2, in <module>
>     from meta.decompiler.instructions import make_module
>   File 
> "C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\meta\decompiler\__init__.py",
> line 7, in <module>
>     from meta.decompiler.instructions import make_module, make_function
>   File 
> "C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\meta\decompiler\instructions.py",
> line 9, in <module>
>     from meta.decompiler.control_flow_instructions import 
> CtrlFlowInstructions
>   File 
> "C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\meta\decompiler\control_flow_instructions.py",
> line 15, in <module>
>     JUMP_OPS = [opcode.opmap[name] for name in JUMPS]
>                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File 
> "C:\Users\IH\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\meta\decompiler\control_flow_instructions.py",
> line 15, in <listcomp>
>     JUMP_OPS = [opcode.opmap[name] for name in JUMPS]
>                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^
> LeoServer: init leoBridge in  1.1 sec.
> LeoBridge started at localhost on port: 32125.
> Ctrl+c to break
> Having done this I tried connecting from VSCode and got the error 
> websocket closed, code 1006
> Hope some of that helps.
> Ta like, 
> IH
> On Monday, 21 August 2023 at 18:14:05 UTC+1 Félix wrote:
>> Hi Israel, 
>> I'm Félix, the creator of LeoInteg. I'm glad to have people tryout 
>> LeoInteg! Thanks for giving it a try!! :)
>> I've successfully ran leointeg on many oses without any fuss, (windows, 
>> ubuntu, and even raspberry pi on a PI 3) using the simple commands shown 
>> here :  (*But I know sometimes it's not that simple or easy - so I'll 
>> try to help you out !*)
>> [image: testscreen2.png]
>> First things first, to get you going, I gotta ask: *what is this Leo 
>> 7.21 that you speak of*? Are you from the future? 😅 the latest Leo is 
>> 6.7.4! (or 6.7.5 in development) Please take a screenshot of your Leo 
>> window at startup so we can see what you see here: 
>> [image: Screenshot from 2023-08-21 12-36-24.png]
>> Next, take a screenshot of your LeoInteg Settings, which you can see if 
>> you use the "Welcome" command from LeoInteg in VSCode. (press F1 or 
>> Ctrl+shift+P to open the command palette, and start typing "Leo Welcome" to 
>> see the command and press enter) So that we can wee what you have setup, 
>> the screen looks like this (the important sections are "Leo-Editor Path" 
>> and "Python Command" ):
>> [image: Screenshot from 2023-08-21 12-39-47.png]
>> When you setup the options and press 'start server' on the LEO 
>> INTEGRATION panel on the left, you will see something like this in the Leo 
>> Output panel:
>> (Note: This command line is built with the options you put in the 
>> settings above)
>> [image: testoutput-leo-leo.png]
>> Obviously you may get the error instead of a "success" but at least you 
>> will see what command LeoInteg tried to launch the server with. Please 
>> provide it in you reply so we can see, and diagnose a bit more.
>> Another good test that I would suggest, is to manually start the server 
>> to get better error messages : In a terminal, navigate to your Leo-Editor 
>> installation folder, then 'cd' into the /leo-editor/leo/core/ folder. Then, 
>> try to launch the leoserver.py script directly as such: 
>> On my linux machine I can start it like this: python3.10 leoserver.py
>> On my windows machine i start it like this: py leoserver.py.
>> Try to see if you can start the server by launching it manually instead 
>> of automatically with LeoInteg, What does that do? Is it possible to start 
>> it successfully this way?
>> If it works you can then try connecting with leointeg with the 'Connect' 
>> button in the Leo Integration panel on the left. (no need to 'start' a 
>> server with leointeg if you started one manually.) And note what command 
>> you used in order to setup the settings in Leo's welcome screen properly. 
>> (perhaps you need to specify the python command as "py", "python", 
>> "python3" or "python3.11" or "python3.10" depending on what your setup is 
>> on your machine. Perhaps your "Leo-Editor" path was wrong. Or perhaps the 
>> websockets were installed on another python installation on your machine, 
>> different than the one that is used by leointeg when it tries to start the 
>> server itself. (in case you have many python installed on your machine, 
>> that is...)
>> (another possibility is websockets not installed properly) 
>> When installing websockets with *'pip install websockets'*, make sure 
>> you're installing it to the right python installation that you intend to 
>> run the server with. (in case you have many python installations on your 
>> machine in various folders, like python2, python3. etc. or, with annaconda 
>> wich can let people use many different python installations on their 
>> machines.)
>> I've got to go now but i'll try later on my windows machine which also 
>> has python 3.11 like you have. In the meantime please try some of the stuff 
>> I suggested and (much importantly) *take screenshots because often times 
>> it helps to spot something that you didn't think of mentionning! *
>> Thanks again for trying out LeoInteg!! 
>> Please provide feedback and screenshots so that we can help you out in 
>> figuring why it didn't work on you machine! :)
>> Félix
>> On Monday, August 21, 2023 at 6:26:16 AM UTC-4 Israel Hands wrote:
>>> I've just run the installer for pyqt6 from the python 3.11.4 directory 
>>> and Leo now works again. School boy error. But Leointeg still fails -I'm 
>>> running Leo 7.21 - maybe that needs an update?
>>> ta
>>> IH
>>> On Monday, 21 August 2023 at 11:00:10 UTC+1 Israel Hands wrote:
>>>> Everyone now and then I upgrade something and I always find it harder 
>>>> than I should. That's my fault. So when I saw Ed's advice about installing 
>>>> Leointeg as the easiest way to go I thought - 'I'll give that a try'
>>>> And so I installed Leointeg - I'm running Leo 7.21 on Windows 10. And 
>>>> then I turned to websockets and thought maybe I ought to upgrade my Python 
>>>> install from 3.7. 
>>>> Strangely (or maybe not) before upgrading if ran the comman python from 
>>>> the command line Windows would complain about not finding python. But if I 
>>>> ran py all was well. 
>>>> Anyway - I installed Python 3.11.4 and then pip and then websockets and 
>>>> then tried running Leointeg but got the same error message I had before I 
>>>> installed websockets. 
>>>> Leo server exited with code 1. 
>>>> I then wondered what version of Python Leo was looking at so I started 
>>>> Leo as per normal, which failed with:
>>>> Can not load pyQt5 or pyQt6
>>>> Can not Import Qt
>>>> I now don't feel so good!
>>>> ta
>>>> IH

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