On Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 12:32:47 PM UTC-4 Israel Hands wrote:

Hi tbp1 - thanks a lot for stopping by with help!  Having restarted my 
machine, I ran the command you suggested and despite throwing up all the 
errors I listed above the server ran and I can connect from VSCode - hey 

LeoServer: init leoBridge in  1.0 sec.

LeoBridge started at localhost on port: 32125.
Ctrl+c to break
server: User Connected, Total: 1, Limit: 1

I've managed to open a file and now am about to dive into editing. Sorry, 
but I have two more questions...

1 Should I worry about all those error messages listed above - which I also 
see in my Leo log when I start up the app.

I can't help you there - I don't get any error messages, and yours don't 
convey anything to me.  It sounds like a version mismatch somewhere but 
between which modules or packages I don't know.  If you can work out from 
the messages which libraries/packages/modules are involved, you could try 
updating them with pip.  Make sure you run pip using py -m pip install 
--upgrade <package> where, of course, <package> is whatever package you 
want to update.

BTW, if you want to see what pip would do without actually having it do 
anything, you can add the --dry-run parameter.


2  Should I work on a copy of a valuable file in case of data loss or 
should I bash away with confidence?

Work on a copy or back up first!! If it's valuable, do this whether with 
Leo, Word, VSC, or what have you.  In this case, with the unresolved error 
messages, for sure.

Thanks again for your help and to Felix for all his magnificent efforts. 
Leo in VSCode looks like quite an adventure!

ta like,


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