On 2014-03-29 06:32, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Just a progress report.  I've had some success.  I can boot the same
> system to either sysd or sysv.  I have a couple of short scripts to
> switch.  For example:
> $ cat set-sysd
> #! /bin/bash
> for p in init halt poweroff reboot runlevel shutdown telinit; do
>     ln -sfvn  $p-sysd   /sbin/$p
>     if [ $p == "init" ]; then continue; fi
>     ln -svfn  $p-sysd.8 /usr/share/man/man8/${p}.8
> done
> ln -svfn init.d-sysd /etc/init.d
> At that point a reboot will come up with the new initialization.  What I
> have for the book right now is pretty rough and quite a way from being
> ready to commit, but the proof of concept is basically done.


Firstly, thanks for picking this up and running with it, especially 
seeing as you were originally (and possibly still are) quite opposed to 

Your approach seems like a decent compromise, offering our readers the 
choice of which init system to use.

I only have a minor nitpick with the above.  Please look at the 
'Spelling' section of http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ 
- upstream prefer people to refer to the project/binaries as 'systemd'; 
would you mind adjusting the names of the symlinked binaries from sysd 
to systemd to comply please (it's only an extra 3 characters after all)?



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